Thank you for converting to EFT! Through this payment method, more of your contribution will go directly to Earthjustice, instead of credit card processing fees.
First, go to the Earthjustice Member Center. Once you log in, you should see the screen below.
Click the blue "Update" link in the box under the Contributions section, and a popup will appear. Your current payment method will be selected by default.
Select the "Pay with bank account" button, and you will be presented with fields to enter your banking information. Select your account type, enter the routing and account number, and check the box to indicate your consent for us to use your account information for your donations.
When you are finished, click the blue "Save" button. A green popup will appear in the upper right corner of your screen to confirm your updates were successful.
Thank you for choosing to support Earthjustice through an EFT contribution!