What is FastAction?
FastAction is an auto-fill feature offered through EveryAction, the company Earthjustice uses for our donation and action alert forms. You may see FastAction helping to auto-fill your information when filling out an Action form or when making a donation. FastAction doesn’t save or store any credit card numbers, but does use a token-based system (which you can read about here) to make inputting that information easier for users. For more information, please visit FastAction’s privacy policy.
To opt in:
When making an online donation, you can choose to select "Remember me so that I can use FastAction next time." when you reach the Payment section. See the image of our donation page below!
To opt out:
The easiest way to clear out any information FastAction has saved is to go to the donation page and click “forget this device” above the payment section. Unfortunately, Earthjustice staff cannot do this on your behalf, because we do not have access to your device or FastAction profile. Please see the image below!