Please visit our Tribute and Memorial Gifts page to give in honor or in memory of a loved one.
Birthday, anniversary or holiday coming up? Tribute gifts are a great way to honor a loved one. We are also happy to offer Gift Memberships for anyone honored through a Tribute Gift. A Gift Membership also includes a year long subscription to Earthjustice Quarterly Magazine, which profiles some of our cases, clients, and partners, as well as our incredible staff. If you would like your Honoree to receive this gift from Earthjustice, please be sure to include their full mailing address in the tribute gift donation form.
The donation form on our Tribute and Memorial Gifts page allows you to choose a personalized e-card or printed card by mail to notify a recipient of your gift to Earthjustice. If you'd prefer to make a tribute donation by mail, you can find a printable mail-in form attached below!
If you would like to request a notification through our online Tribute form, you can click the checkbox that says "I'd like to notify someone of this contribution."
Clicking that box then opens up the form where you can choose to notify someone via e-card:
If you would prefer to send a notification as a physical card by mail, you can do so at this link. On that form, clicking the "I'd like to notify someone of this contribution" checkbox will open the form to fill in the details for a card by mail.
After filling out the form for the notification, you can click the button for your preferred payment method to proceed with the donation.
Thank you so much for your support! If you have further questions or need additional assistance, contact Earthjustice's Membership team by emailing or calling (800) 584-6460.